SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
On Some Curves with Modified Orthogonal Frame in Euclidean 3-Space
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science
, cilt.43, sa.4, ss.1905-1916, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)

Characterizations of Adjoint Curves in Euclidean 3-Space
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences
, cilt.89, sa.1, ss.155-161, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)

Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Spherical Curves with Modified Orthogonal Frame with Torsion
Turkish Journal of Science
, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.177-184, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)
Surfaces of Revolution of Type 1 in Galilean 3-Space
, cilt.60, ss.587-599, 2020 (ESCI)
Ruled Surfaces According to Parallel Trasport Frame in E4
International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics
, cilt.1, ss.20-32, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
LCN-translation surfaces in affine 3-space
, cilt.69, sa.1, ss.461-472, 2020 (ESCI)

Classification of Translation Surfaces of Type 1 in Semi-Isotropic Space
Journal of Mathematical Extension
, cilt.13, sa.2, ss.137-156, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi)
Corrigendum to Translation Surfaces in the 3-Dimensional Simply Isotropic Satisfying
Konuralp Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.7, sa.1, ss.233-234, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi)
Dual Surfaces Defined by z=f(u)g(v) in Simply Isotropic 3-Space I31
, cilt.34, sa.1, ss.267-277, 2019 (Scopus)
The Relation Between Base Curve of The Ruled Surface And Its Adjoint Curve
Hadronic Press, Algebras Groups And Geometries
, cilt.34, sa.2, ss.203-212, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
Surfaces of Revolution in the Three Dimensional Simply Isotropic Space
Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.4, sa.1, ss.1-10, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
Helicoidal Surfaces in the three dimensional Simply Isotropic space
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.48, sa.2, ss.123-134, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
Non-null weakened mannheim curves in Minkowski 3-space
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al I Cuza din Iasi - Matematica
, cilt.63, sa.F2, ss.403-412, 2017 (Scopus)

Classification of Some Special Types Ruled Surfaces in Simply Isotropic 3-Space
Analele Universitati de Vest, Timişoara Seria Matematica- Informatica
, cilt.55, sa.1, ss.87-98, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
Darboux rotation axis of a null curve in Minkowski 3-space
J. Math. Comput. Sci.,
, cilt.6, sa.5, ss.706-711, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)
Homothetic Bishop Motion of Euclidean Submanifoldsin Euclidean 3 Space
Palestine Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.2016, sa.5(2), ss.183-194, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)
On Curves Of Constant Breadth In a 3 Dimensıonal Lıe Group
, cilt.85, sa.1, ss.81-86, 2016 (Scopus)
Spherical Curves with Modified Orthogonal Frame
Journal of New Results in Science (JNRS)
, cilt.5, sa.10, ss.60-68, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)
On The Modified Orthogonal Frame with Curvature and Torsion in 3 Space
Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes
, cilt.4, sa.1, ss.184-188, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)
Translation surfaces in the 3 Dimensional Simply Isotropic space Satisfying delta xi III lamba xi
Konuralp Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.4, sa.1, ss.275-281, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)
Characterization of the Parallel Curve of the Adjoint Curve in E3
General Mathematics Notes
, cilt.35, sa.1, ss.9-18, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)
Bäcklund transformations according to Bishop frame in E31
Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica
, cilt.19, sa.2, ss.75-85, 2015 (Scopus)

Tubular surface of Weingarten Types in Minkowski 3 Space
General Matematics Notes
, cilt.22, sa.1, ss.44-56, 2014 (Hakemli Dergi)
Ruled Weingarten Surfaces Related to Dual Spherical Curves
General Matematics Notes
, cilt.24, sa.2, ss.10-17, 2014 (Hakemli Dergi)
Smarandache Curves According to Bishop Frame in Euclidean 3 Space
General Mathematics Notes
, cilt.20, sa.2, ss.50-56, 2014 (Hakemli Dergi)
Tubular surfaces of Weingarten types in Minkowski 3 space
General Math. Notes
, cilt.1, sa.22, ss.44-56, 2014 (Hakemli Dergi)
Generalized Mannheim Quaternionic Curves in Euclidean 4 Space
Applied Mathematical Sciences
, cilt.7, sa.132, ss.6583-6592, 2013 (Hakemli Dergi)
Tubular surfaces of Weingarten types in Galilean and pseudo Galilean space
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, cilt.5, sa.2, ss.87-100, 2013 (Hakemli Dergi)
Tubular Surfaces of Weingarten Types in Galilean and Pseudo Galilean 3 Spaces
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, cilt.5, sa.2, ss.87-100, 2013 (Hakemli Dergi)
Weakened Mannheim Curves in Galilean 3 Space
International Electronic Journal of Geometry
, cilt.5, sa.2, ss.10-18, 2012 (Hakemli Dergi)
Bäcklund Transformations According to Bishop Frame in Euclidean 3 Space
Šiauliai Mathematical Seminar
, cilt.7, sa.15, ss.41-49, 2012 (Hakemli Dergi)
Weakened Mannheim Curves
International Journal of the Physical Sciences
, cilt.6, sa.20, ss.4700-4705, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
Bishop Motion in Minkowski 3 Space
International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
, cilt.2, sa.1, ss.25-32, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
Tabular Surfaces With Bishop Frame Of Weingarten Types In Euclidean 3 Space
Acta Universitatis Apulensis
, cilt.27, ss.39-50, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
Tubular Surfaces with Bishop Frame of Weingarten Types in Euclidean 3 Space
Acta Universitatis Apulensis Seria Mathematics-Informatics
, cilt.27, ss.39-50, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
Darboux Rotation Axis Of The Curve In Galilean And Pseudo Galilean Spaces
Journal of Vectorial Relativity
, cilt.6, sa.1, ss.107-116, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
Serret Frenet Motion in Minkowski 3 Space
International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
, cilt.2, sa.1, ss.33-38, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
New Characterizations for Bertrand Curves in Minkowski 3 Space
International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics
, cilt.2, ss.98-103, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
Characterization of Slant Helix in Galilean and Pseudo Galilean Spaces
Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Dergisi
, cilt.12, sa.1, ss.43-53, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
Bishop Frame of The Spacelike curve with a Spacelike Binormal in Minkowski 3 Space
Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics
, cilt.11, sa.1, ss.15-25, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
Characterization Of Slant Helix In Galilean and Pseudo Galilean Spaces SAÜ Fen Edebiyat Dergisi
SAÜ Fen Edebiyat Dergisi
, cilt.12, sa.1, ss.43-53, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
On Natural Curvatures of Bishop Frame
Journal of Vectorial Relativity
, cilt.5, sa.4, ss.34-41, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
Tubular W Surfaces in 3 Space
Journal of Scientia Manga
, cilt.6, sa.3, ss.55-62, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
Special Bishop Motion and Bishop Darboux Rotation Axis of The Timelike Curve in Minkowski 3 Space
Kochi Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.4, sa.1, ss.109-117, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
On The Elliptic Cylindrical Tzitzeica Curves in Minkowski 3 Space
Scientia Manga
, cilt.5, sa.3, ss.44-48, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
The Bishop Darboux Rotation Axis of the Spacelike Curves with a Spacelike Principal Normal in Minkowski 3 Space
Revista Notas de Matematica
, cilt.5, sa.2, ss.29-35, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
Singular Points of Tubular Surface
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University (Natural Science Edition)
, cilt.24, sa.4, ss.30-33, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
The Slant Helices According to Bishop Frame
International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences
, cilt.3, sa.11, ss.1039-1042, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
On the Dual Bishop Darboux Rotation Axis of the Dual Spacelike curve with a Spacelike Binormal
Antarctica Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.6, sa.2, ss.177-186, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
On the instantaneous Screw Axes of Two Parameter Motions in Lorentzian space
Scientia Manga
, cilt.5, sa.1, ss.65-72, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
On Involute and Evolute Curves of Spacelike Curve with a Spacelike Principal Normal in Minkowski 3 Space
International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics
, cilt.1, ss.27-37, 2009 (Hakemli Dergi)
Bishop frame of the spacelike curve with a spacelike principal normal in Minkowski 3-space
Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics
, cilt.57, sa.1, ss.13-22, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)

Bishop Frame of The Timelike Curve in Minkowski 3 Space
SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi (E-Dergi)
, cilt.3, sa.1, ss.80-90, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
On The Hyperbolic Cylindrical Tzitzeica Curves in Minkowski 3 Space
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimler Enstitüsü
, cilt.10, sa.1, ss.46-51, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
On the Dual Bishop Darboux Rotation Axis of the Timelike Dual Curve
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences
, cilt.31, sa.2, ss.301-310, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
Parallel Offset Curves in Lorentzian Plane
Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology
, cilt.24, sa.1-2, ss.334-345, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
On The Slant Helices According To Bishop Frame of The Timelike Curve in Lorentzian Space
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.39, sa.3, ss.255-262, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
An Alternative Moving Frame for A Tubular Surface Around A Spacelıke Curve with a Spacelike Normal in Minkowski 3 Space
Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo
, cilt.57, sa.2, ss.193-201, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
On The Dual Bishop Darboux Rotation Axis of The Dual Space Curve
Applied Sciences
, cilt.10, sa.1, ss.115-120, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
An Alternative Moving Frame for Tubular Surface around the Spacelike Curve with a Spacelike Binormal in Minkowski 3 Space
Mathematica Moravica
, cilt.11, ss.47-54, 2007 (Hakemli Dergi)
On the Involute and Evolute Curves of the Timelike Curve in Minkowski 3 Space
Demonstratio Mathematica
, cilt.40, sa.3, ss.721-732, 2007 (Hakemli Dergi)
The Bishop Darboux Rotation Axis Of The Spacelike Curve in Minkowski 3 Space
Ege University, Journal of the Faculty of Science
, cilt.30, ss.1-5, 2007 (Hakemli Dergi)
On The Instantaneous Screw Axes of Two Parameter Motions
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics
, cilt.6, sa.1, ss.81-88, 2007 (Hakemli Dergi)
On the Involute and Evolute Curves of the Spacelike Curve with a Spacelike Binormal in Minkowski 3 Space
Int. Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
, cilt.2, sa.5, ss.221-232, 2007 (Hakemli Dergi)
Singular Points of Tubular Surfaces in Minkowski 3 Space
Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.2, sa.14, ss.73-82, 2006 (Hakemli Dergi)
Formulas for the Exponential of a Semi Skew Symetric Matrix of Order 4
Mathematical and Computational Applications
, cilt.10, sa.1, ss.99-104, 2005 (Hakemli Dergi)
General Two Parameter Motion
Hadronic Journal, Algebras, Groups And Geometries
, cilt.22, sa.1, ss.137-144, 2005 (Hakemli Dergi)
Special Two Parameter Motion
Mathematical and Computational Applications
, cilt.10, sa.1, ss.27-34, 2005 (Hakemli Dergi)
Special Two Parameter Motion in Lorentzian Plane
Thai Journal of Mathematics
, cilt.2, sa.2, ss.239-246, 2004 (Hakemli Dergi)
Cayley Sayıları ve Cisim Yapıları
Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
, cilt.16, sa.3, ss.425-432, 2004 (Hakemli Dergi)
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
3-Boyutlu Öklid Uzayında Paralel Eğrinin Adjoint Eğrisi İle Karakterizasyonu
13. Geometri Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 27 Temmuz 2015 - 30 Temmuz 2019
Classification of Conformal Surfaces of Revolution in Hyperbolic 3-Space
IECMSA-2018, KİEV, Ukrayna, 26 - 31 Ağustos 2018
Special Curves In Euclidean 3-Space
16th International Geometry Symposium, Manisa, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Temmuz 2018
Right Conoid in Euclidean 3-Space
16th International Geometry Symposium, Manisa, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Temmuz 2018
Indicatrices of The Curves In Affine 3-Space
16th International Geometry Symposium, Manisa, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Temmuz 2018
Spherical Indicatrices with Modified Orthogonal Frame
14.Uluslararası Geometri Sempozyumu, 25 - 28 Mayıs 2016
Sperical Curves with Modified Orthogonal frame
14.Uluslararası Geometri Sempozyumu, 25 - 28 Mayıs 2016
3-Boyutlu Öklid Uzayında Baz Eğrisinin Adjoint Eğrisi İle Regle Yüzeyler Arasındaki İlişki
13. Geometri Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye, 27 - 30 Temmuz 2015
On Characterizations of New Curves in 3 space
XII. Geometri Sempozyumu, Bilecik, Türkiye, 23 - 26 Haziran 2014
Paralel Curves and Helices in Minkowski 3 space
12.Ulusal Geometri Sempozyumu, Bilecik, Türkiye, 23 - 26 Haziran 2014
On the characterizations of new curves in 3-space
12.Ulusal Geometri Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 23 - 26 Haziran 2014
A study on ruled surface of Weingarten type
X.Ulusal Geometri Sempozyumu, Balıkesir, Türkiye, 13 - 16 Haziran 2012
X Geometri Sempozyumu
X. Geometri Sempozyumu, Bursa, Türkiye, 13 - 16 Haziran 2012
Darboux Rotation Axis of a Null Curve in Minkowski 3-space
X. Geometri Sempozyumu, Balıkesir, Balıkesir, Türkiye, 13 - 16 Haziran 2012
Bishop Frame in Minkowski 3-Space
IV. International Geometry Symposium, Zonguldak, Türkiye, 17 Haziran - 21 Temmuz 2006
Timelike Quaternion Frenet Frame
IV. International Geometry Symposium, Türkiye, 17 - 21 Temmuz 2006
Dual Sayı Üçlülerinin Değişmeli Çarpımı
II.Geometri Sempozyumu, Sakarya, Sakarya, Türkiye, 30 Haziran - 03 Temmuz 2004
Genel İki Parametreli Hareketler
II.Geometri Sempozyumu, Sakarya, Sakarya, Türkiye, 30 Haziran - 03 Temmuz 2004