Local-global Maker-places: Toward an Instrument for International Maker Education

Keune A., Cain R., Dahn M., KARGIN T., Thompson N.

16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2022, Virtual, Online, Japan, 6 - 10 June 2022, pp.2026-2027 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Virtual, Online
  • Country: Japan
  • Page Numbers: pp.2026-2027
  • Uşak University Affiliated: Yes


After the establishment of a makerspace in any context, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. As an international group of early career scholars with experience in maker education, we engaged in a series of reflective conversations that called us to consider visions for makerspaces as sustainable maker-places. We offer a representation that cuts across visions for sustainable maker-places with the intention to begin to develop an instrument for international maker-education.