Evaluation of X-Ray Shielding Ability of Tungsten Rubber: A GAMOS Monte Carlo Study

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Şahin M. C., MANİSA K.

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, cilt.18, sa.1, ss.1-9, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Against the detrimental effects of ionizing radiation, time, distance, and shielding are the three most significant protective methods. Lead is the material of choice for shielding, particularly for personal protective equipment. However, lead's density, rigidity, and toxicity are significant disadvantages. In recent years, tungsten-containing rubber (TCR) and other lightweight, flexible, and non-toxic shielding materials have emerged as viable alternatives to lead. The purpose of this study is to examine the X-ray absorption capacity of TCR material, which can serve as an alternative to lead-based personal protective equipment. Using GAMOS simulation, radiation absorption characteristics for 11 different X-ray energies ranging from 30 to 1000 keV were obtained and compared with Phy-X/PSD data. While the MFP value produced from the GAMOS code for the TCR with 100 keV energy X rays was 0.0204 cm, the Phy-X/PSD value was 0.0296 cm. The HVL value of the TCR material for X-rays with an energy of 100 keV was 0.021 cm for Phy-X/PSD and 0.014 cm for GAMOS. It has been observed to provide excellent radiation protection against X-rays in the diagnostic imaging field. By providing greater flexibility than lead shielding materials, TCR can play a crucial role in decreasing radiation exposure.