A Guidebook for Ottoman Parents: How Should We Raise Our Children?

erkek m. s.

Vakanüvis Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (Online), cilt.8, sa.2, ss.1452-1480, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


This article focuses on “How to Raise Our Children?” written under the influence of Turkism by Ethem Nejat Bey, one of the most important educationist of 2nd Constitutional period. It was written in 1916, during the World War I, and it contained ideas beyond the era of its time. Ethem Nejat’s suggestions are based articles both in the mentioned book in different journals and newspapers, and are for the elimination of diseases in children and negative situations of malnutrition in the last period of the Ottoman Empire. The article evaluates them by using historical research method that are supported by archival documents. Nejat's introduction tries to guide parents and fill a gap for educators and historians by explaining each developmental stage and strategy spanning from prenatal period, nutrition, clothing, games and study environment. The study of this book contributes to the history of the era genuninely since most of Nejat's suggestions were implemented in the field of physical education and public hygiene in the Republican period.