Researcher ID is a unique identification number that enables the management and sharing of professional academic information. With the Researcher ID, which provides the solution of identity problems, an online profile can be created and publication history can be kept and access can be provided. It offers advantages such as updating the profile information of the researcher at any time, creating a list of publications in the Web of Science, managing publications, and measuring publications according to indicators.
Also, the use of international identifier numbers by our university researchers is also important for various institutional processes such as preventing possible publication record and citation losses, getting institutional publication records from databases such as Web of Science and Scopus, and accurately reflecting our university's position in ranking systems.
You can register your Researcher ID number in the system by using the "International Researcher IDs" tab under the "Profile Information" menu in the "Identity & Profile Information" field tab.
Click for more information about using WoS Researcher ID.