A. MEMON Et Al. , "Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants and Their Role in Phytoremediation," In Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability , Springer Nature Singapore: Sprınger, 2022, pp.1-24.
MEMON, A. Et Al. Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants and Their Role in Phytoremediation. 2022. In Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability , Sprınger, Springer Nature Singapore, 1-24.
MEMON, A., Kusur, F., & Memon, M., (2022). Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants and Their Role in Phytoremediation. Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability (pp.1-24), Springer Nature Singapore: Sprınger.
MEMON, ABDÜLREZZAK, Fatma Kusur, And Muhammet Memon. "Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants and Their Role in Phytoremediation." In Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability , 1-24. Springer Nature Singapore: Sprınger, 2022
MEMON, ABDÜLREZZAK Et Al. "Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants and Their Role in Phytoremediation." Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability , Sprınger, 2022, pp.1-24.
MEMON, A. Kusur, F. And Memon, M. (2022) "Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants and Their Role in Phytoremediation", Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability . Springer Nature Singapore: Sprınger.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={ABDÜLREZZAK MEMON Et Al. }, chaptertitle={Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants and Their Role in Phytoremediation}, booktitle={ Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability}, publisher={Sprınger}, city={Springer Nature Singapore},year={2022} }